Spread Awareness, Not Infection.

The times are tough. Our doctors, government officials, and concerned agencies are working 24/7 to contain the spread of COVID-19 infection, but it’s turning out to be difficult for them to contain the spread even with the most advanced equipment and technology and efficient strategies.


I want to pose a question to all the readers, “what do you guys think is the most efficient weapon to battle Coronavirus?” A lot of you would give answers like “the vaccine could help”, but I will counter the answer by saying “we do not have it yet”, and, trust me, it would not be the best strategy to sit back and do nothing until the vaccine comes out. You guys will again ask me “what else can we do”, and I am going to say “the best we can do is make sure every person around us is Rightly Aware.”


If we go out and ask any random person about the precautions we should be taking at this moment, then we would hear a lot of things about wearing masks, maintaining social distancing, opting contact less methods, etc., but it is very unlikely that the these measures are being implemented in a proper manner. It is, therefore, clear that we are not “rightly aware”, but “being pretentious.” The worst part is that even the most educated people in the society are reluctant to implement such measures. The Prime Minister himself, in his last address to the nation, said, “since the unlock began, we have been becoming more and more careless.” Every word in this statement is true as I could see myself what these falsely aware people are up to. People are still shaking hands, not maintaining social distancing, considering this infection a minor threat, and, as a whole, underestimating the impact COVID-19 can have on their lives. So guys if you fall in this category, then this is the right time for you to get back on track and be “rightly aware”, because the sooner it is the better it’s going to be.


False awareness and theatrical communication of information by the media have made COVID-19 a social stigma, and, as a result, people who have been tested positive or have symptoms are fearful to reveal their conditions, because they think the society is going to boycott them. Honestly, this has to change right away, and people who step out to reveal their conditions should be considered a “Civic Heros.” People stepping forward would be saving not only their life, but also the lives of other, more vulnerable people. They are, therefore, doing a job no less than a heroic one. There are a lot of ways in which the problem of social stigma can be addressed, but one very efficient way would be to start boycotting and stop sharing the posts that dramatize the scenario to entertain the readers. At the same time, we have to broaden our mindset and understand other people. If someone doesn’t want to come in close contact with others to avoid the risk of infection, then the person should not be persuaded to change the mindset, and their actions should not be taken in an offensive manner. If someone wants to greet you with a “Namaste” instead of a handshake, then do not think that the person is being discriminatory.


Lastly, I just want to say that we should all pledge I want my readers to pledge to ensure that people around us are rightly aware, and that we put an end to this social stigma by being more considerate. Also, remember this, if the false awareness and theatrical presentation persist, then we will have a really really long way to go in this battle, and that, in turn, is going to hurt us in every possible way.

1 thought on “Spread Awareness, Not Infection.”

  1. Pingback: THE NEW COVID-19 STRAIN - Fight COVID-19 in association with Abhiyaan

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