Abhiyan Social Welfare Society is a Non Governmental Organization operating in Gwalior Chambal region. The purpose of the society is to bring a positive change to the marginalized communities in the region . Education, Health, Solid Waste Management are some of the few areas where this society focuses and deploys its resources. is another non profit entity of Abhiyan Social Welfare Society that intends to get an early access of COVID-19 related healthcare to patients. Symptomatic and Asymptomatic patients can connect with the doctors through this website’s TeleHealth clinic and get general consultation on the current state of their infection. 


This website has five major components, the description of each of which is given below.

1.Forum: People willing to get more information related to COVID-19 can post their queries in the forum and the queries will be answered by the experts and doctors or in consultation with them. 

2.Heath care Assistant (Now Discontinued): Healthcare Assistant lets people diagnose their symptoms and gives them an accurate assessment of their symptoms and risk category. It also provides the information about the essential commodities and services that can be accessed in lockdowns.

3.Blogs: The website also contains blogs related to COVID-19. The aim of these blogs is to create awareness of COVID-19 infection among visitors of this website. The blogs also contain the social issues related to COVID to educate the visitors about the hardships being faced by the communities in these difficult times. 

4.Plasma Donations and Requests(Now Discontinued): The website had an option to place request for plasma of a particular type. The functionality has been discontinued as the Government passed a mandate discontinuing the use of Plasma Therapy for the treatment of infection. 

5.TeleHealth Clinic: Symptomatic and Asymptomatic patients can connect with the doctors through this website’s TeleHealth clinic and get general consultation on the current state of their infection. 


Name: Rishabh Singh

Name: Abhishek Shivam

Name: Ujjashweta

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