Author name: admin

Next Global Crisis: A Cyber Pandemic

WHO in its recent report shows a fivefold increase in cyber attacks. Since the outbreak, data shows that every country in the world has seen at least one COVID-19 themed attack, and the volume of attacks seems to be increasing as fear and desire for information grows. Millions of targeted phishing messages, seen globally every day, roughly include 60,000 COVID-19 related malicious attachments or URLs.

Climate Change and Pandemics

Climate change and biodiversity loss are some major factors that have left majority of animals no choice but to look for an environment that’s more suitable for their needs. Data from various studies show that more than 20,000 species are already on the move because of changing climatic conditions. These species are, in general, moving towards Earth’s poles at phenomenal speeds: land animals at the speed of 10 miles (16 km) per decade whereas marine species at 45 miles (72 km) per decade.

Impact of COVID-19 on transgender communities.

Although the government is running various programmes for the underprivileged people, but somehow the transgender people are excluded from this. The section of transgender is particularly affected in this crisis because transgenderism under poverty is a persistent reality playing out in the everyday life. It is a matter of woe that the government is less concerned about food and job insecurity among transgender people.

Good News: Babies tested positive for COVID-19 may have mild symptoms, mostly fever.

A study conducted by team of researchers including an Indian origin scientist has shown that infants under 90 days of age who tested positive for COVID-19 tend to be well, with fever as primary or in most cases only symptom. Respiratory symptoms were not present in most of the cases.Visit this link to learn more: …

Good News: Babies tested positive for COVID-19 may have mild symptoms, mostly fever. Read More »

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